Worthy Reading
God’s Plan of Salvation by Mark Dever from the ESV study Bible by Crossway
Glories of Christ from the MacArthur NASB study Bible by Thomas Nelson
What Must I Do to be Saved? by Wil Pounds
Regeneration, Justification and Sanctification by Lehman Strauss from Bible.org
Reading the Bible in Prayer and Communion with God by John Piper from the ESV study Bible by Crossway
What is the Gospel? by John Hendryx from Monergism.com
God’s Plan of Salvation by J. Hampton Keathley III from bible.org
What is the Gospel? by J. Hampton Keathley III from bible.org
What is the Gospel? by John Piper from desiringGod.org
What is the Gospel? by R. C. Sproul from ligonier.org
Grace: The Power of the Gospel by Andrew Wommack from amwi.net
Regeneration by Wayne Grudem from Monergism.com
Regeneration from Theopedia.com
got Questions.org – Bible questions answered. A tremendous resource with print, audio and mp3 formats
Articles at Monergism – How does one come to faith in Jesus Christ? A large selection of great articles. Topics: •New Christians •Disciple •Grow in Grace •Leadership •Pastors
Spurgeon’s Prayers Personalized (PDF) – The Table of Contents is hyperlinked for easy access from Monergism.com. Get another format such as the epub or .mobi for a better reading experience. For the epub (ibook), .mobi (kindle) and docx formats (go here).
Select Sermons of George Whitefield (PDF) – The Table of Contents is hyperlinked for easy access from Grace-eBooks.com. This is also available at Monergism.com in epub, .mobi and pdf formats (go here) to download.
Favorite Books – a selection of my favorite books